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About Maiy's Miracle

The Maiy's Miracle Foundation was developed by a host of friends and family members to support Maiyanna Marie Antoinette Clemons-McCarthy. At age 3 in May 2013, she was diagnosed with Cancer- a rare, inoperable brain tumor in the pons section of her brain stem, called DIPG. With a 0% survival rate and less than a year to live, the Maiy's Miracle Foundation blossomed with the support of our hometown and extended community Worldwide. Maiy's foundation supported her organic diet, alternative treatments and supplements and also enabled her to live a full life for the time she remained with us. On April 16, 2014 Maiyanna fell asleep in death, but not before inspiring tens of thousands to fight gracefully and live with a purpose. She has encouraged many to have faith, and to find happiness and hope through the scriptures inspired by God. Maiyanna's story lives on through all of us and through her foundation we will continue to raise DIPG Awareness and celebrate our hope for the future for all our DIPG Warriors and their loved ones.

"Do not be amazed by this, for the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice and come out."- John 5:28,29



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